Friday, January 12, 2007

what is it?

What is it?

It’s neither a run, nor is it a fall.

But I can hear it, it can be a call.

Like the slow rain outside, it is foggy but consistent

Like the dampness smelt inside, it is a plain feeling.

Is it missing you tonight or just a deception of my heart,

Rise of love or just a demand of my thought.

Naming of this feeling, should I await.

Or just hug it tonight, and leave the rest to fate.

Just want to see you, will you wait?

Dedicated to:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dreams Part-2


They say…

Dreams, broken and therefore forgotten,

(If our mistake is responsible for that)

Seldom attract regret, or influence our fate.

I said…

Dreams broken are rarely forgotten,

(If someone else is responsible for that)

Still don’t attract regret, but do influence our fate.

I saw a dream last night, and I worked for it today.

I attained the heights, scaled by none,

My glory spreads and my dreams won dignity.

“I dare to dream”, they say today.

I had a dream the night before the last, and I worked for it yesterday

I attained the heights, but someone surpassed me

The strength it gave to my arms is unsung and unheard of. (Even today)

“I dare to have faith in my dreams” is all I want to say today.

So dream my girl and make it big,

And dare to have faith in it,

And never regret when it is gone, or be overjoyed when it becomes yours,

For nothing is yours and there is nothing to lose.

Dedicated to: this is a stupid poem..



P.S : I hate this poem